Sunday, March 11, 2012

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!!

In my lifetime, I haven't put much thought towards reducing, reusing, and recycling. But, over the past few years, my family and I have committed more to the three R's. We buy aluminum bottles so that we don't have to buy plastic bottles. Also, when we go shopping, we use reusable bags to carry our products that we buy. My family has our own compost pile that we use when it is warm out, and we spread the compost on our garden. Additionally, my dad and I go to the recycling center every few weeks and recycle all of our plastics, glass, and paper. During the summer, I volunteer at Riveredge, a local nature center. There, I teach kids how to use the compost pile to make their very own garden's grow.
Now that I am going off to college soon, I have to start thinking about what I am going to do with my life. Seeing as I am planning on majoring in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, I need to start thinking about our planet more. I plan on continuing to recycle in college and for the rest of my life. This planet is very important, and we need to take care of it more.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Physics Final Project- The Universe

The Universe. Defined as everything that exists. 

First, some history. The earliest quantitative models of the universe were developed by the ancient Greeks who thought that the universe had infinite space and had existed eternally, and rotates around the earth. The next models included Copernicus's heliocentric model and the Newtonian model of the Solar System. More and more improvements in astronomy led to the realization that the Solar System is within in a galaxy composed of billions of stars, the Milky Way, and that other galaxies exist outside of it.

Next is the Big Bang theory, which says that the universe expanded from an extremely hot, dense phase called the Planck epoch. Since then, the universe has been expanding to its present form. Recent observations show that this expansion is accelerating because of dark energy, and that most of the matter in the universe may be in a form which cannot be detected by present instruments. This is called dark matter.

Recent observations show that the age of the universe is 13.75 billion years, and that the diameter of the observable universe is at least 93 billion light years. It is unclear whether the size of the universe is finite or infinite.

Some theories have proposed that this universe is only one in a set of disconnected universes,  known as the multiverse. There is no possible way for anything in one universe to affect another universe. The disconnected universes are physical, in the sense that each has its own space and time, its own matter and energy, and its own physical laws. The concept of a multiverse of disconnected universes is very old. 

There are two scientific theories in which multiple universes are discussed. First, disconnected spacetime continuum may exist. Second, there are many parallel universes that exist. The universe "forks" into parallel copies, each one corresponding to a different outcome of something that happened. 

And now for some facts about the universe. The Universe could possibly be flat. Based on Einsteins Theory of General Relativity there are three possible shapes of the universe; open, closed, and flat. There isn't a center of the universe. The universe is always expanding in every direction, so there can't be a center. Lastly, the universe was very hot when it was young, and there is a theory that the universe will be very cold as it grows older. 

File:CMB Timeline300 no WMAP.jpg

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Soooo... last week we were on the bus for soccer and we were going to the game. Mr. Leibergen turns to Lolli and I and asks if we know what Hiroshima is. OF COURSE WE KNEW. At first we were thinking it was a trick question but then we knew. Schroeder was making fun of the Germans and saying that he was throwing paper "Hiroshima bombs like a German." At first I didn't really get it... i still don't but yea. So then Lolli and i explained it to Liebergen saying that it was one of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in WWII. Then i tried to explain to Schroeder what it was and he said he already knew and that he was being sarcastic. I still don't really get the joke. It might just be that I'm a blonde. But yea :)
There's my history link for now.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Is Blogging Going To Be Fun?

Sooo.... we are being somewhat forced to create this blog for our class. I guess it shouldn't be too bad overall. But I'm glad that you found this. So first off i'm just going to ramble on and NOT talk about history for now.

Today is MAH BIRTHDAY :D I'm pretty excited. I get to see R movies by myself. I'll have my license for a year. And i got some awesome presents so far.
First off...
1. IM GETTIN A NEW PHONE. Its the Samsung Replenish. It's pretty beastly. Yea. So deal with it.
2. I got a pretty pearl necklace from my friend, Ann, in Britain. Its pretty coolio.
3. I GOT A TAKE THAT T-SHIRT. Oh yea. Be jealous. Even though you don't know who they are, be jealous. Yea. I <3 them :)

I made cookies for our APUSH class. And i must say that they taste delicious. :) And i get to eat another one for soccer. Yea. Awesome right?!?!

So yea. Thats my b-day so far.

And now a little history. So we learned about the Vietnam War recently and... WHAT A COINCIDENCE! My cousin is going to teach in South Vietnam for a year soon. :)